Rewards and Distribution

What is ATID's max supply?

ATID has a max supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens.

Is ATID a governance token?

No. ATID is the protocol token for AstridDAO. The actual voting power and fee distribution is not directly associated with ATID, but with veATID.

How can I earn ATID?

ATID is earned in three ways:

  • Depositing BAI into the Stability Pool

  • Depositing collaterals to borrow BAI (as early adopter incentives)

  • Locking ATID to generate veATID tokens and earn locking incentives

What can I do with ATID?

ATID holders can lock their tokens to generate veATID tokens, to earn the fees generated by loan issuance and BAI redemptions.

What is ATID's distribution schedule?

What are ATID's allocations?

Will there be an ATID airdrop?

Yes, the ATID airdrop is associated with the Deposit Incentives and ATID staking Incentives.

Last updated